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as some of you know, about 4 months ago i was busted for speeding - i was doing 160km/h on a 110km/h zone. i got pulled over at the road block and was given a ticket. (i didnt bribe because it was the first time i got stopped and i had NFI what to do.)

2 weeks later i try to renew my P license, but the lady at the JPJ counter tells me that i've been blacklisted and that i should go to the JPJ Putrajaya HQ.

today, i went to Putrajaya with an appeal letter. but before even reading the letter, the JPJ officer told me that the decision has been made to suspend my license for 1 year. i had an alternative though (how lovely) - i will need to write another appeal letter, this time directed to the Ministry Of Transport before i have any chance of getting my license back.

fuck this country. fuck how its run. this is a good example of how corrupted this country is, its so damn corrupted that nothing legal/official works anymore. im getting out of this country as soon as i can.

Lesson learnt at the end of the day? No, its not to obey traffic laws; its to bribe the fucker who pulls you over. Ironic isn't it?

uh uh.. someone doesn't seem too happy.. Calm down dude! I'm sure they have their resons for not renewing the licenses of teenagers caught for speeding!
You should try YOGA!!:-P

YOGA? someone was telling me they saw my name in the Yoga list...hmm...

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