Wednesday, March 29, 2006


you have a bag of peanuts; no not just an ordinary bag of peanuts - special peanuts. with this bag of peanuts you want to accomplish great things.

but, theres a problem.

every single peanut has a mind of its own (special remember?). peanut 1 wants to roll that way, peanut 2 wants to get eaten, peanut 3 wants to get high, peanut 4 wants to break peanut 12's peanut legs. you get what i mean.

so what am i supposed to do to get all these peanuts together, without getting on the bad side of any one of the peanuts?

i'll probably never be able to. cant make every peanut happy i guess.



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Tuesday, March 28, 2006


i finally bought my harddrive, took a trip down to lowyat with kuan eng yesterday. spent like almost an hour trying to fix the damn thing, finally got it to work..

for some reason i was feeling very unhealthy yesterday, so i called up 'fan and headed out for a jog with him. its probably like the 5th time in my life im jogging - not really my thing. but damn it felt good ! i should do it more often. haha.

ah i had a haircut over the weekend.. fukkin baaad haircut. and the colour is a tad bit bright too. god damn. should have gone back to JB for the cut.

Friday, March 24, 2006


i just drank 2 cups of coffee, and i took my pulse for fun..
my HR is 52.. ? wth?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Did this medical speciality test off Soph's blog..

Red is what i'm interested in at the mo.

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urology? hmm..

Saturday, March 18, 2006


ahh..its been awhile huh.
suppose i should update. theres nothing much going on anyway, nothing "blog-worthy".
sem3 has started ; back to the mundane IMU-lifestyle. =S

5 things new
1 .got a new housemate
2. accidentally scratched my car twice over the last 2 weeks (fuk!)
3. took a 3 day trip around the world with nick and chun (aaaaiiiiiigggghhht)
4. played a proper football game (and yes, cramps came at the 80min mark. and yah, i got pyssed off again "..." -im working on my pitch-temper)
5. started studying for the respi summative

oh and still no response from the dickhead at JPJ about my license. fkrs.

peace out people. aaaaiiiigghhhht =)

hustlers move bricks and the gangsters bang hammers.