Thursday, April 06, 2006

argh much for not getting pissed off on the pitch.
i lost it. again.

the wanker didnt give me much of a choice. impossible not to get pissed off at someone who digs his studs into your shin then acts dumb. and plus he had a gay name and looked like a fag too.

thanks boris, i think i would have punched him if u didnt hold me back.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006


its 12.30am and im fustrated for no apparent reason.
spent the last 4/5 hours doing absolutely nothing. took a walk round the neighbourhood tho, nice and quiet this time of night.

went to the usual spot the mates and i have nicknamed 'the canal'. i dont usually go there alone, but today i just felt like sitting there. sat there for abit, pondered about random stuff. thought abit about some quantum physics theory 'fan and isk were telling me about at dinner the day before (i have weird friends). probably more importantly i wondered about what was running through your mind. i think i wasted a good 20minutes there.

got up, decided to find the house of an asswipe that nearly banged me while i was turning into my street (i knew roughly where he lived; happened a few months back) unfortunately couldnt pinpoint the house 'cause there were a few houses without cars in them..

ah..i have a football game tomorrow. shall make it a point not to get into any sort of fight on the pitch, and to eat a few bananas so that i dont get the cramps.