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hmm..so much for not getting pissed off on the pitch.
i lost it. again.

the wanker didnt give me much of a choice. impossible not to get pissed off at someone who digs his studs into your shin then acts dumb. and plus he had a gay name and looked like a fag too.

thanks boris, i think i would have punched him if u didnt hold me back.


haha. hmm?
its a very familiar feeling for me..damn.

haih, violent people.


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I can relate to your situation and I empathize with you. I’ve been 'man-handled' by women on the netball court. Getting pissed? Well, it's part of the game.
But the part about the guy having a gay name and looking like a fag... Hmmm... Discrimination?
Come on dear.. Don't stoop to that level. His sexual orientation shouldn’t make your anger towards him any different.
Tip on anger management :- YOGA!:-) (lol.. Sorry, I just think yoga rocks! Its good for stress)


yoga again!? ...

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