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And then he wrote..

A couple of days ago, a bunch of us went to watch the MYteam vs Malaysia game, and before the game started, they played the Malaysian national anthem; everyone around me stood up and started singing. I stood there in silence wondering what the hell to do. I tried listening to the lyrics, but i couldnt understand it. So sad isn't it?

I am a Malaysian, albeit a very confused one - i was born in the Uk, raised in Jb and educated in Singapore, and this is the first time i've heard the Malaysian national anthem in full. Yes. The first time in 20years. And in case you're wondering - but you stay in Jb, surely you must have seen something on TV? I think i've probably watched 2minutes of Malaysian malaysian tv (i.e NTV,Tv1 etc) in my 20years. I grew up watching something called Channel 5. An english channel from across the causeway.

Someone once told me, "its like you're from the middle of the causeway!" And i thought to myself, hey, thats so damn true. I know nothing about Malaysia. Im totally clueless about Malaysian history, Malaysian politics, the Malaysian sporting-scene; i do have a very slight idea on the general Malaysian geography though, like how theres East and West. =) You'd be right if you were thinking right now that surely i knew a little more about Singapore then. I do know slightly more about Singapore, but what i know isn't relavant because im not Singaporean so knowing what i know is a waste of time. You dig? So basically i don't really know anything about either country.

So then you, the very practical reader, might ask - so, to which country does your loyalty lie?

Those of you who know me, you probably know that im not the biggest Malaysia fan. And no, im not talking about football. Its the country in general. I don't like this place, for reasons i will not mention on this public domain.

Ah so then, you answer is Singapore then?

Singapore is a great place and all, but it's only great because i never really lived there and because im not Singaporean, so all i saw was the pretty things. The clean roads, the nice shops, the good transport system, oh and the pretty Singaporean girls =). I shall refrain from digressing into why Singaporean girls tend to be...

Anyway, you probably get what im trying to say. And even if you catch no ball, it doesnt really matter because this post doesnt really mean anything.

And your final answer is..

Neither. Like my friend so accurately put, im right smack in the middle of the causeway - where i'd be if there was a war between the 2 countries.

P.S : Im not unhappy about being in the middle of the causeway; in fact, its a pretty damn good place to be. =)

familiarity's bittersweet on dissection. nothing's perfect cookie- that's why we've struggling communist nations, movies like The Island and zits. but about those singaporean girls now... ? =p

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