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mountain people

been awhile. sorry, just too damn lazy to blog.

hmm..i just came back from a super tiring climb up Gunung Stong/Ayam ; there were 7 of us - my uncle and 3 of his friends, kuan eng, irfan and i.

day 1

the weekend started with a long ass drive to Kelantan in my uncle's van, we left my place at about 8am and reached the mt. base at about 2/3pm. rli long drive. and the windy potholed filled roads made it almost impossible to sleep comfortably.

we begun our ascent at 4pm and at about 6pm we reached the other base camp at the top of the waterfall which looked like something out a rambo movie. wooden huts, canvas roofs oh and complete with the dark skinned dodgy looking people who sat around smoking whilst strumming their guitars. only thing missing was the guns.

the first thing we did was find a suitable spot in the nearby stream/waterfall, strip down into our underwear..and bathe! rambo-style bath!

day 2

the next day we climbed for 5hrs to one of the peaks called Ayam. we climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed; almost as if we were possesed. at least Irfan and i did. Kuan Eng was whining like a biatch. "why dont you guys stop??? im tired..." the peak was disappointing. no view whatsoever. even the sign up there was broken. damn 5 hour climb for nothing.

the climb down was even tougher. already tired from the hike up, the 3 of us broke off from the rest of the group and sped down the mountain. slipping and falling off the slippery rocks on the way down. took us a good 3 hours to get down, we arrived at the rebel camp famished,fatigued and very irritated. we bathed in darkness, changed, smashed open some sardine/mackeral cans, ate and slept.

day 3

6.15am we awoke to check out the sunrise; which was apparently one of the highlights of the trip. wasnt too bad..sat our asses down on the freezing cold rocks wrapped up in our sleeping bags and watched the sun come out. took some pictures..i think this is probably the first sunrise i've ever seen - properly that is.

7.30am sun was out in all its glory. we dragged our aching legs and headed back to the tent to sleep.

9.30am damn monkeys started doing their singing thing up in the trees. and the guide was pestering us to climb up a little bit further to check out another watefall. we were like.. NOOOO way.

"Tak boleh lah, kaki saya sakit. My feet are full of blisters look! Theres one here, one here, one here."
-Kuan Eng.

10.00am my uncle and his 3 friends leave for the other waterfall; leaving Irfan, KE and i behind bumming in the tent.

10.30am something happens to KE; hes injected with new life. "andrew,irfan! come lets go climb up to the other waterfall!" so we go along with him and a special bunch of people, irfan being the monkey he is, disappeared. and i stopped halfway when i met my uncle and co. on their way back.

-random stuff happens- (and im starting to get tired of typing)

12pm we pack up, painfully making our way down the mountain, slipping and falling again on the damn rocks on the way down.

-more random stuff-

4pm we set off from the place and head back to KL. long ass drive again. only got home at about 1.30am. yes. 1.30 AM.

I was not whining like a biatch.

Oh yeah, btw . . I made that jigsaw puzzle of a sign, all me, okay lah, you guys helped . . . a bit.


kuan eng, you DO have a tendency to whine! Even up small little Nuang

arloO, Andrew!
How was all this planned?
aku pun mau panjat gunung

wow.this is like the longest post ever. the pictures are nice.

rima : ahah yes long post.. =)

so-p : mmm..my uncle planned it..then he called me and told me that he had 3 spaces..so i asked ke and 'fan to come along.. =) haha will let yu know if there are any upcoming trips.. ;)

I was not whining . . . I was making conversation. There's a difference.

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