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today is a day you will never forget, even the date, check it out - 20th june = 20/06 2006. 2006-2006. -uncle ben

Yesterday was also the day i totalled my car. It happened at around 4am at Putrajaya. Ash, Chun and i were cruising around Cyberjaya/Putrajaya at high speeds. We were not racing or anything, just driving fast.

It had just started raining, and i think the roads were slippery..I took a corner too fast, tried desperately to slow down without spinning out, but i couldnt. I heard my tyres screech, then i blacked out.

"Andrew andrew, what the fuck? Andrew are you okay? Oh shit.. oh shit.." was the next thing i heard from Ash/Chun. I heard the click from the seatbelt as shawn helped me out the car, at that point i was in utter disbelief. All that was going through my head was "what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the FUCK!?"

I saw blood all around me, and i had no idea where the blood was coming from, till shawn pointed out that my left eye was cut. One hand holding a blood soaked tissue, the other grabbing whatever i could out my car, my CD's, my headunit face, my mentos in the dashboard, my fag-stash, my subwoofers, everything. I removed almost everything loose i could think off within the first 2 minutes of the crash.

I grabbed my housekeys, shoved them into my pocket and then i looked at my car..and thought to myself again.. "Shit i fucked up..i fucked up..WHAT THE FUCK!? My ride!! Its fucking wrapped round a lamppost! I need to take some pictures." So i did just that. Whipped out my phone, took a couple of pictures.

Ten minutes later, while Ash was driving me to the hospital, i was on the phone with the Tow-truck people, asking them what i should do because i already had my license revoked. It was agreed that we should tell the Police that Ash was the one driving and that i was the passenger.

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(See the missing sidemirror? That fucking thing hit me on the eye. Flew through the glass and my double-layered tinting and hit me on the fucking eye. )

After receiving 4 stitches on my left eyelid just below my eyebrow, i went back to the crash site with Ashley to wait for the tow-truck. 5.45am - still not there. 6.45am - still not there. 7.45am - we go off searching for the tow-truck who is somewhere in Putrajaya. 9.45am - we finally find the tow truck; my uncle calls. tells me that he will help me out with the Police, and that he will report it as if he was driving the car. By this time police were swarming the crash-site, so we had no choice, we had to report. I sat in my uncles pickup, used his phone to make a couple of phone calls and just waited patiently as he settled the rest of the case for me.

To all you people reading this, do drive carefully, all it takes is a little stupidity and ignorance for shit like this to happen. I knew i was going too fast, yet i didnt slow down, and before i could even attempt slowing down, it was already too late. Right now im sitting here typing this with a big huge swollen left eye with 4 stitches in it, big ass bruises on my shoulder, and an aching neck. And oh, im now car-less, of course. Fuck.

**Pictures removed (legal issues)

ko get well.. we were all damn worried. it was definitely god who was protecting you all the while. take more care k. haha ure at the hospital with dad for the scan now, nice to have you home. we finally have a full family at home! hehee.

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