Saturday, October 14, 2006


some random stuff ..inspired by a kaya bun and a bottle of 100 plus.

the peace sign (think jap chicks)
is not cool. really. unless you're 50cent, you can't pull it off. Forgivable if you do it once or twice, (or if you're mocking it) but if you do it all the time ..You should join the white kick tramplers and burn!!

closing the door behind you
is a very good habit. for some strange reason i cannot stand it when someone walks into a room without closing the door behind them.

neoprints (think jap chicks again)
are also not cool. here you should apply the top-down concept - take them all you want, but keep them to yourself!

clark kent style side-parting
is cool. sadly, most people cant pull if off.

tight t-shirts which show off your nipples
are extremely uncool. if you like tight t-shirts, look in the mirror and stare hard at the nipple region; remove shirt if the slightest of bumps is visible. this type of shirt is also not recommended for men with man-boobs.

sleeveless t-shirts
are wrong. why? because if you have built arms and wear them all the time, you look gay. and if you have scrawny arms, you look..well..scrawny.
so sleeveless t-shirts should be reserved for on the court purposes. nobody likes to see your tuft of armpit hair. (again, if you shave - it screams - gay.)

pants that make your underwear "suck into" your butt crack
hah! i bet you know what im talking about! you've seen it! and you've laughed at the poor suckers with their underwear stuffed into their butt cracks. yes it is very uncool. to avoid such embarassing circumstances, wear looser pants, or switch to boxers.


Saturday, October 07, 2006


today i learnt that its hard to keep your white kicks clean; really hard.

do you know how it feels like?

walking around in fear that someone will trample your white kicks black?

not a very nice feeling.

all you white kick tramplers who walk around in complete oblivion can burn in hell!

anyway, got my eyes on yet another pair of shoes..

fine fine, its plain and the design is old-ish, but its different. i like it. :)

Monday, October 02, 2006

today i plucked 2 hairs off my leg
squashed 5 ants
brushed my teeth three times
showered twice

what the fuck is up with people blogging about every single thing they do?

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Music Video Codes by