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pimp dices anyone?


today as i was driving i realised that the inside of my car is starting to smell different. the new smell is fading =\. i have tried to make it smell nicer by hanging vanilla scented black 'pimp' dices on the rear view mirror but honestly i dont like the smell. i would throw them away if not for its 'pimpi-fying' style. (i have washed them in attempt to remove the scent.)

and i really cant stand those on the shelf air-fresheners, they make my head spin. just like cheap perfume. any ideas on how to make my car smell better?

had an okay day today, the usual lectures..then we (em,rima,ke,amy,jo) went out to chilis@midval for lunch. played football in the evening, Soon (or Jack as some of you may know him) joined us today. its been about a year and a half since hes last kicked a ball 'cause of the fukkin angmoh bast*** who tackled him. i cant imagine being unable to play football. =
then we (isk,'fan,soon,keat,amy,rima,van) headed ALL THE WAY over to 1 U to eat. by the time we got there it was about 8.45 and we were famished! ate at daves deli and then attempted catching a movie but most of the good shows were pretty late and we didnt really feel like hanging around.

somehow we ended up at the funfair opposite 1 U. haha, watched Soon waste $$ on some ball throwing thingy (he was trying very very hard to win a shin chan soft toy. lol) after wanderin about abit we decided to try the 'vortex'. it was some spinning thingy that spins you around about 8 storeys high? maybe less. fun as it was it got boring after the first few spins and i was more dizzy than anything. luckily for me the dizzyness subsided rather fast. rima,isk and irfan felt rli sick tho, they all felt like puking =\.


testing helloo

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