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the equilibrium of life

A condition in which all acting influences are cancelled by others, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system.

does everything have to be in balance?


lets just say everything is in perfect balance, when the scale tips what happens?

i believe life is a balance. which, for some strange reason, is usually tipped in the wrong direction. but there are many things in life that are designed to tip this scale back in your favour - your family, your friends, even material things like money, clothes, alcohol or that comfortable chair you're sitting on; its all there to help tip the scale. without it you would be broke, lonely, naked and without a chair to sit on. just imagine that.

so now the scale is tipped healthily in your favour, you've got a loving family, supportive friends, enough money and clothes, and even a really comfortable chair to plonk your ass on. but its not right. why? because everything has to be in balance.

mark my words. people with the scales in your favour, something is going to come along to tip it back; so be prepared. and all you sad f*krs who think its the end of the world, something is going to come along to tip it back in your favour. and to those lucky enough to have reached this balance, im pretty sure you will agree with me.